


Aizome with Love

Busyu Aizome

Aizome is dyed from
the leaves of a plant
called Ai.
It takes about ten months
to become a dyestuff
called "sukumo".

Busyu Nakajima Koya

The workshop is surrounded
by white walls and has a
big gate at the entrance.
In addition to the workshop
for aizome experience
there is a museum about aizome.

Multiple workplaces

In the workspace there is
a place to washing and a place
to Indigo dye and a place to dry.
Also there are various aizome displayed
in the reference library and
there are beautiful costumes.

Aizome experience

It's a very important work
because the pattern changes
depending on how the rubber
band is Tied. Moreover depending
on the ingenuity you can make
each one diffently.

After soaking it for about
two minutes wash well.
After that if you dry it
the blue color will appear and
it will be completed.
The experience time is about
twenty minutes.

Finished product

The price is eight hundred yen including tax.
Other than handkerchief you can dye
your scarf and wear a T-shirt and
you can be satisfied with various age people.

Experience landscape



    ・Street address: Daizikomatu223 Hanyu-shi Saitama

    ・TEL: 048-561-3358 (9:00~17:00)

    ・FAX: 048-561-3318 (24h)

    ・Business hours: 9:00~17:00(be closed every Sunday)

    ・URL: Busyu Nakajima Koya official website.

    Tobu Isesaki Line, 20 minutes walk from Hanyu Station.

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